Economic Self-Help Structures in Southern Ethiopia
The landscape in the Abaya and Gelana districts of Southern Ethiopia is green and the vegetation looks lush. But what is not obvious at first glance is that, given the high population density, individual farming families in southern Ethiopia are left with very little land, the yield of which many cannot feed themselves or generate enough income. Cooperative self-help structures can and should improve this situation.
Small business – a successful way out of poverty
With our support, we are promoting a local project that aims to strengthen cooperative structures, build up small businesses and provide them with start-up capital and business knowledge. One focus is on promoting women, as they are particularly disadvantaged in these rural areas. The project objectives also include business management training for young people in order to promote the development of livestock and agricultural trade.
Multiplier effect
With the start-up aid for small and micro-enterprises and the concept that they pay their loans back to the cooperatives with fair interest rates, more and more people are able to escape poverty over time. The project opens up prospects for many.